Financial Statements

We can assist you in the preparation of your financial statements in accordance with professional standards, but express no opinion or any other form of assurance on the underlying information included in them. The financial statements produced can be a useful tool for management for making financial decisions.
Accounting is an important process for any business or individual. It’s the systematic approach to collecting, organizing, summarizing, and analyzing financial information and data within your company or personal finances.
Good accounting or accountancy can help you become more efficient and lean. This is particularly important for businesses. Successful businesses will use accounting to improve profitability and make strategic business decisions.
Industries we provide financial statement assistance in:
Value Added Bookkeeping Services has accountants with experience creating, reviewing, and analyzing financial statements in the following industries:
- Not-for-Profit
- Construction & Real Estate
- Healthcare & Wellness
- Manufacturing
- Trucking and Transportation
- Professional Service Providers
- Technology
- International Business