
Sales Tax Services

Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis and are the foundation of a successful business. Our qualified staff can assist you with the day-to-day tasks associated with bookkeeping

Sales tax services are needed if the transactions within your company require a sales tax. A sales tax is a tax imposed by federal and provincial governments on goods or services that are purchased from your company.

Collecting, documenting, and administering sales tax is the responsibility of the business. Additionally, companies must prepare sales tax returns. Sales tax services are all that tasks associated with managing sales tax as a business.


Industries we provide sales tax services for:

Value Added Bookkeeping Services has  accountants  with sales tax experience in the following industries:

  • Not-for-Profit
  • Construction & Real Estate
  • Healthcare & Wellness
  • Manufacturing
  • Trucking and Transportation
  • Professional Service Providers
  • Technology
  • International Business
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